twoplus Sperm Guide Helped U.K. Couple Conceive In Just 6 Months

The Bennisons Overcame Months Of Negatives With The twoplus Sperm Guide
Their first pregnancy took 3 years, but using the twoplus Sperm Guide helped Kate and Mark become pregnant with their second child in just 6 months.
For millions of years, sperm have been finding their way to the egg unassisted, fertilising it and kick starting the miraculous process of creating new life all on their own.
So, when this doesn't happen naturally, it can be hard to believe that a little piece of silicone can make any real difference. But it can, and did — just ask the Bennisons, who earlier this year managed to conceive their second child with the aid of our twoplus Sperm Guide [1].
No, we don’t mean some sort of sperm motivational coach loudly encouraging the little scamps to ‘just keep swimming’, or some incense-burning, mantra chanting sperm whisperer type. Instead, our Sperm Guide is a little more grounded in real-world utility, which has brought tangible results.
But first, let’s recount the Bennisons’ happy tale.
Finding success after a tumultuous first pregnancy
Kate Bennison and husband, Mark, are a relatively young and healthy couple in their mid-30s. While the majority of couples in the U.K. successfully conceive within 1 or 2 years, the Bennisons’ journey would be a little more fraught [2].
It took them 3 years battling fertility issues and enduring multiple miscarriages before finally giving birth to their first daughter, Grace, who is now 2 years old.
Wanting another child to complete the family, the couple decided to try for their second baby. After 6 months without seeing success, they decided to use the twoplus Sperm Guide to heighten their chances of getting pregnant.
The difference was immediately noticeable.
Kate recalled that after using the device just once, she became pregnant. However, that pregnancy unfortunately ended in an early miscarriage. But that didn’t stop Kate and Mark, who were now encouraged by the results. They used the Sperm Guide twice more, and successfully became pregnant again.
At the time of writing, the Bennisons are now 5 months pregnant with their second child.
What is the Sperm Guide, and why does it work?
Using the twoplus Sperm Guide helped Kate and Mark overcome their fertility difficulties and get pregnant with their second child, but you may be wondering how and why.
Here’s a quick explanation.
Our twoplus Sperm Guide was designed to achieve 3 objectives: provide a safe environment for sperm, reduce sperm loss through leakage after sex, and getting more of them as close to the cervix as possible.
On average, around 100 million sperm are released per ejaculation [3]. This might seem like overwhelmingly good odds, since only a single sperm is required to fertilise the egg. (That’s technically correct, but it takes several sperm working together to break down the protective layers surrounding the egg, allowing 1 ‘lucky winner’ to finally break through [4].)
However, sperm must undertake a long journey from the vagina to the fallopian tubes to meet the egg in order for fertilisation to take place, and not everyone will make it.
In fact, it has been found that only about 200 sperm cells successfully reach the site of fertilisation [5]. Hence, if only a small number of ‘finalists’ make it to the end of the journey, it stands to reason that you’ll want to field as many runners in the race as possible — so to speak. You’ll also want to give them a leg up by putting them closer to the end goal, while providing a conducive environment to help keep them thriving.
All these is what our Sperm Guide is designed to do.
Made of soft, medical-grade silicone, the funnel-shaped device is worn inside the vagina during sex, with the penis sliding over it [6]. After ejaculation has taken place and the man withdraws, a flap flips up forming a seal and minimising leakage of the deposited semen, which now sits closer to the cervix thanks to the curvature of the device [6].
Additionally, intricate grooves on the Sperm Guide’s surface guide sperm towards the cervix, giving them a boost on their journey [6].
A fertility aid made for comfort and intimacy
For best results, the Sperm Guide is encouraged to be worn for up to an hour after sex [6].
As Kate recounts, this is preferable to putting her legs up in the air. “With this (Sperm Guide) in you can just cuddle up with your partner safe in the knowledge it's not going anywhere,” she said, adding she and her husband didn’t notice any leakage during or after sex.
Describing her experience further, Kate said, “I was worried it would be really uncomfortable and I'd be stuck lying down. But because it's so soft, once inserted you really don't notice it. I would recommend that anyone trying to conceive without success give the Sperm Guide a chance. It has literally helped us complete our family,” she added.
Is the twoplus Sperm Guide for me?
Our twoplus Sperm Guide is a fertility product for men and women that is safe, convenient and discreet. Each device is reusable up to 4 times for up to 1 month, works without drugs, and can be easily inserted and removed yourself in the comfort of your own home. Some couples have even reported increased pleasure when worn during sex *wink wink*.
And we’ve made it affordable. A single pack is priced at S$68 (£43), while a bundle of 3 goes for S$138 (£86) — yep, that’s a 30% discount. To add, a tube of sperm-safe lubricant is included with each purchase.
Using our twoplus Sperm Guide has helped the Bennisons overcome their fertility challenges, and it just might produce equally happy results for you too. Granted, some couples may be facing more serious fertility issues, and would do best consulting a qualified medical practitioner.
But, if using our Sperm Guide helps you get pregnant without a costly and worrisome visit to the doctor, then that’s a happy thing all round, ain’t it?
[1] MailOnline, Couple Who Spent Half A Year Trying For Another Baby Are Now Expecting After Just One Use Of A £49 Sperm-catching Device,
[2] NHS, How Long Does It Usually Take To Get Pregnant,
[3] WebMD, Sperm FAQ,
[4] Today, Trying To Get Pregnant? Doctors Clear Up 7 Common Myths
[5] Alberts B, Johnson A, Lewis J, et al, Molecular Biology Of The Cell. 4th edition,
[6] twoplus fertility, Sperm Guide,
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